Episode 12 – Some Other Fun Anatomy: A Discussion About Ice Planet Barbarians by Ruby Dixion

Jen and Rachel prepare for winter by reading an icy sci-fi alien romance novel that they both genuinely love. As they summarize the story, they focus on some of the things that make the book so great such as heroic heroines, respectful heroes, audiobook sex scenes, and of course… blue alien anatomy.

Extra nsfw warning for this episode because of previously mentioned alien anatomy.

Episode 11 – First Sexing: A Conversation About Champion by Fabio

Rachel and Jen venture once more into the world of romance, and discuss a book by Fabio, the pinnacle of all romance heroes. They get distracted by the purpose of fantasy elements, misogynist alpha-hole heroes, Jen’s love of gnomes, the decay of heroine characterization, lust over love, and the classic romance novel formula before circling back around to the most important topic of all… Fabio.

Extra NSFW warning, because romance novel.